When the exam administrators create an account for you in Censor IT, you will receive an email with your user number and a link, where you can create your password.
In Censor IT, you can change your profile information, view information about your exams with external examiners, and enter examiner’s reports.
To log in to Censor IT do the following:
If you have forgotten your password or username, do the following:
If you want to change your password do the following:
After you have logged in to Censor IT, you can see the profile information that is registered about you on the site. You access the information by pressing ‘Min profil’ in the menu on the right. To update profile information, do the following:
In Censor IT you can see an overview of your exams with external examiners. By each exam, you can see information regarding it and who the external examiner is. To do so do the following:
In the overview, you can also see the examiner’s report and external examiner’s reports (censorrapport) that are associated with each exam. They are visible when you and the external examiner have completed the reports.
Examiner's reports are evaluations of the external examiners you collaborate with during exams. You are advised to fill out an examiner’s report after each exam with an external examiner. The objective of the examiner’s report is to assure the quality of the external examiners and to help the external examiners improve his or her abilities as external examiner. The report deals with the following areas:
You can fill out an examiner’s report from the last day of the exam or the last date set to discuss the examinee's performance, which is registered in Censor IT. The system automatically sends reminders if you do not complete the report.
To fill out an examiner's report, do the following:
If you received an email requesting you to fill out a report for an exam, which is postponed or cancelled contact the ‘Kontaktperson’ of the exam.
If you discover that you have made a mistake in your report, after submitting it contact Censorsekretariatet who will unlock the report so you can edit it.
You log in to Censor IT with your Censor IT user number and password.
Read the information about the Examiner's Report and also a translation of the Danish text in the form. All text in the form is presented in both Danish and English.
In the Examiner's Report all Danish text appears in English as well. Below is a comprhensive translation of the Danish text in the report.
The universities have agreed with the Chairmen's Committee of External Examiners to implement examiner's reports. The purpose of the reports is to assure the quality of the work of the external examiners and the Chairmen's Committees.
The reports are filled in after each examination in Censor IT, where also the external examiners' report are available to examiners, exam administrators, the external examiners and the external examiners' secretariat.
Like the external examiners' reports the examiners' report will be collected every three months and sent to a central point of contact in the university, which will distribute them in the university's own systems.
To ensure the utility of the reports on an executive level it is important that a report is filled in each time an examination has taken place. The system will remind the examiner of missing reports by way of automatic mails approximately every two weeks.
The external examiners' secretariat – Censorsekretariatet – censorerne.dk – is at the disposal of examiners with regard to technical questions, whereas more general questions are referred to the local management or administration of the university.
If your exam administration informs you that they have been given the names of five examiners, you can choose from for an exam, you can find information about them at Censor IT, in the following way: